
A Christmas Reflection

A Christmas Reflection from Revd Steph Atkins, Missional Partnership Minister.

‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’ (Isaiah 9:6)

As my family and I prepare for our first Christmas here in Manchester, we are experiencing a wonderful blending of familiar traditions with the new. Old decorations bring happy memories to our new home, our children act out nativity plays with new friends, and we enjoy singing traditional carols with new congregations. While there is comfort in finding the known in a new place, I am also reminded to be open to how these familiar words sound in these streets and in this world. What am I hearing differently in this context? What is God pointing me to?

The headlines continue to be filled with news of war, corruption, and rhetoric that seeks to divide rather than unite, and yet in this ever-changing world we still gather to draw comfort from the familiar yet powerful promises of the Christmas story. The surprise of a child who, as Eugene Peterson writes, will grow up to ‘say the big nouns: joy, glory, peace; And live the best verbs: love, forgive, save.’1 A radical gospel that is just as needed in these times as it was when it was first proclaimed two thousand years ago.

We all need peace this Christmas. Peace for our families when the endless list of preparations becomes too much, or tensions run high around the dinner table. Peace for those leading activities and services for others, worrying if they have overlooked something important. Peace for those experiencing grief, loneliness, discrimination, or anxiety about their circumstances. Peace for those caught in conflicts that rage around the world, especially in the land we call holy.

As we work, speak out, and pray for peace for our world this Christmas, remember to take some time to welcome the peace of Christ into your own life. As Jesus said ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’ (John 14:27)

A peaceful Christmas to us all.

1 The Cradle by Eugene Peterson published in his book, The Contemplative Pastor (1989), page 169.