General Information

General Notices

General Morning Collection

Donations by bank transfer/standing order are most welcome.

  • Bank: NatWest,
  • Account Name: Ashton on Mersey URC,
  • Sort Code: 01-07-71,
    Account number: 59384190

Cash can also be placed on the collection plate at the back of the Church, where you enter.  The plate is brought to the front for blessing during the service.  If you are registered with us for Gift Aid, please put your cash in an envelope and write your name on. If you’re paying directly into the bank, we’ll pick up your name from our bank account. Envelopes and pens can be found next to the collection plate. Please see Helen Priestman the church treasurer to collect a form to register for Gift Aid if you need one.

Donations to Nominated Charities

We choose a different charity each month and the cash collected from the communion service is sent to that charity. If there is a charity you wish us to contribute to please let Hilary Grierson or one of the Elders know

Flowers in Church – Flower list

Please add your name against a date of your choice on the list found on the notice board in the back room.  Christine and June will prepare a beautiful flower display ready for the Sunday morning service of your choice.   If you want to arrange your own, just let June know beforehand. After the service, the flowers are given to various people. This could be someone ill, or in difficulty, or a family with a new baby etc. You can request who the flowers will go to, or leave it to June and Christine to decide. Donations can be made directly to June/Christine or paid into our bank account.